Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Infant Colic Situation

Colic Definition as per
- Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines.
- A condition of unknown cause seen in infants less than three months old, marked by periods of inconsolable crying lasting for hours at a time for at least three weeks.

Here are the real life of a baby having a colic:

Here are some suggestion to help on colics situation
1) Feeding - Mum diet can affect breast milk
Mummy whom breastfeed the baby should avoid food like cow's milk, caffeine, chocolate and gas-producing foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, onions, peppers, melons, tomatoes, citrus fruits, beans and peanuts.

2) Feeding - Using baby bottle
When buying baby bottle, look for anti-colic sign. The price for anti-colic baby bottle is much more compare to a normal baby bottle, but less cry is priceless. The reason to get anti-colic baby bottle is to minimize the air-intake while baby gulping the milk from the baby bottle.

3) Feeding - Burp baby after feeding
Do burp the baby after breast feeding as to release the gas that are trapped during feeding. Feel free to check out the baby burping method:

4) Feeding - Formula milk powder
Change milk powder brand if baby are uncomfortable.

5) Feeding - Allergy to cow milk (lactose intolerance)
After trying so many types of formula milk powder and suspect the problem is due to allergy to cow's milk, then change to soy base milk powder or breast milk only.

6) Feeding - Use gripe water
Gripe water is a home remedy use to help on baby digestive system. So far the most popular are Colic Calm. The reason is because Colic Calm does not use Sodium Bicarbonate, Essential Oils and extracts to it's ingredient. Fast forward the below video to 2:20 to see the result:

7) Feeding - Use probiotics
Some studies suggest treating the crying with daily doses of probiotics, or "good bacteria" (such as Lactobacillus acidophilus or Lactobacillus reuteri) which can reduce crying times. Use this with care and seek doctor/pharmaceutical advice.

8) Baby massage to remove the gas
A simple massage to remove the gas inside the baby stomach

9) Apply Herbal Medicated Baby Oil on Baby's Tummy
This is a traditionally methods to relief winds and bloated problem in babies. Put a few drops, rub against your hand to heat it up and rub the baby's tummy in a circular motion to apply the herbal medicated baby oil.
a) Yu Yee Oil
Can get this baby oil at any Malaysia local store. For international reader, you can refer to
b) Amway Tropical Herbs Baby Oil
c) TYT Herbal Medicated Oil


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Vaccination Meaning

Below are the list of vaccination summary:
Chickenpox / Varicella (Can be prevented by varicella vaccine)
Caused By Varicella zoster virus
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Rash, tiredness, headache, fever
Complications Infected blisters, bleeding disorders, encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs)
Vaccine Doses Children who have never had chickenpox should get 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine at these ages:
1st Dose: 12-15 months of age
2nd Dose: 4-6 years of age (may be given earlier, if at least 3 months after the 1st dose)
Children age above 13 years (who have never had chickenpox or received chickenpox vaccine) should get two doses at least 28 days apart.

Diphtheria (Can be prevented by Tdap vaccine)
Caused By Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Sore throat, mild fever, weakness, swollen glands in neck
Complications Swelling of the heart muscle, heart failure, coma, paralysis, death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 2 months
2nd Dose: 4 months
3rd Dose: 6 months
4th Dose: 15-18 months
5th Dose: 4-6 years

Hib (Can be prevented by Hib vaccine)
Caused By Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom May be no symptoms unless bacteria enter the blood
Complications Meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), mental retardation, epiglottis (lifethreatening infection that can block the windpipe and lead to serious breathing problems) and pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
Vaccine Doses 2 months of age
4 months of age
6 months of age
12-15 months of age

Hepatitis A (Can be prevented by HepA vaccine)
Caused By Hepatitis A virus
Spread By Personal contact, contaminated food or water
Symptom May be no symptoms, fever, stomach pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), dark urine
Complications Liver failure
Vaccine Doses Children between their first and second birthdays (12 through 23 months of age)

Hepatitis B (Can be prevented by HepB vaccine)
Caused By Hepatitis B virus
Spread By Contact with blood or body fluids
Symptom May be no symptoms, fever, headache, weakness, vomiting, jaundice (yellowing of skin and eyes), joint pain
Complications Chronic liver infection, liver failure, liver cancer
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: Birth
2nd Dose: 1-2 months of age
3rd Dose: 6-18 months of age

Human Papillomavirus (Can be prevented by HPV vaccine)
Caused By Human papillomavirus
Spread By Sexual contact, hand contact
Symptom Skin warts, genital warts
Complications Cervical cancer in women
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 11-12 years
2nd Dose: 1 to 2 months after Dose 1
3rd Dose: 6 months after Dose 1

Influenza (Can be prevented by annual flu vaccine)
Caused By Influenza virus
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Fever, muscle pain, sore throat, cough, extreme fatigue
Complications Pneumonia (infection in the lungs)
Vaccine Doses Children above 6 months of age should get flu vaccine

Measles (Can be prevented by MMR vaccine)
Caused By Morbilliviruses
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Rash, fever, cough, runny nose, pinkeye
Complications Encephalitis (brain swelling), pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 12-15 months of age
2nd Dose: 4-6 years of age (may be given earlier, if at least 28 days after the 1st dose)

Meningococcal Disease (Can be prevented by MCV vaccine)
Caused By Neisseria meningitidis bacteria
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, confusion and sleepiness
Complications Death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 11 - 12 years
Booster Dose: 16 years

Mumps (Can be prevented by MMR vaccine)
Caused By Mumps virus
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Swollen salivary glands (under the jaw), fever, headache, tiredness, muscle pain
Complications Meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord) , encephalitis (brain swelling), inflammation of testicles or ovaries, deafness
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 12-15 months of age
2nd Dose: 4-6 years of age (may be given earlier, if at least 28 days after the 1st dose)

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) (Can be prevented by Tdap vaccine)
Caused By Bordetella pertussis bacteria
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Severe cough, runny nose, apnea (a pause in breathing in infants)
Complications Pneumonia (infection in the lungs), death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 2 months
2nd Dose: 4 months
3rd Dose: 6 months
4th Dose: 15-18 months
5th Dose: 4-6 years

Pneumococcal Disease (Can be prevented by Pneumococcal vaccine)
Caused By Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom May be no symptoms, pneumonia (infection in the lungs)
Complications Bacteremia (blood infection), meningitis (infection of the covering around the brain and spinal cord), death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 2 months
2nd Dose: 6 months
3rd Dose: 4 months
4th Dose: 12-15 months

Polio (Can be prevented by IPV vaccine)
Caused By Poliovirus
Spread By Personal contact, contaminated food or water
Symptom May be no symptoms, sore throat, fever, nausea, headache
Complications Paralysis, death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 2 months
2nd Dose: 4 months
3rd Dose: 6-18 months
1st Booster Dose: 4-6 years

Rotavirus (Can be prevented by Rotavirus vaccine)
Caused By Rotavirus
Spread By Personal contact, contaminated food or water
Symptom Vomiting, watery diarrhoea, and low-grade fever
Complications Severe dehydration can become a life-threatening condition
Vaccine Doses First Dose: 2 months of age
Second Dose: 4 months of age
Third Dose: 6 months of age (if needed)

Rubella (German Measles) (Can be prevented by MMR vaccine)
Caused By Rubella virus
Spread By Air, direct contact
Symptom Children infected with rubella virus sometimes have a rash, fever, and swollen lymph nodes
Complications Very serious in pregnant women—can lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, and birth defects
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 12-15 months of age
2nd Dose: 4-6 years of age (may be given earlier, if at least 28 days after the 1st dose)

Tetanus (Lockjaw) (Can be prevented by Tdap vaccine)
Caused By Clostridium tetani bacteria
Spread By Exposure through cuts in skin
Symptom Stiffness in neck and abdominal muscles, difficulty swallowing, muscle spasms, fever
Complications Broken bones, breathing difficulty, death
Vaccine Doses 1st Dose: 2 months
2nd Dose: 4 months
3rd Dose: 6 months
4th Dose: 15-18 months
5th Dose: 4-6 years

  • In layman terms, DTaP, DTPa, TDaP, Tdap, and dTap are the same. DTap and Tdap are both combined vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The difference is in the dosage, with the upper case letters meaning higher quantity.
  • DTaP is a combination vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
  • MMR is a combination vaccine that protects against measles, mumps, and rubella.
  • Please consult with your doctor for expert advice before going for vaccination

Sunday, 21 October 2012

When To Cut Umbilical Cord

There are mix opinion on when to cut the umbilical cord after baby is out. To understand better on what happen when baby is out from mother's body, below chart shows the blood transfusion after birth.
Placental transfusion takes place immediately after birth and the cord start to pulsates. Placental transfusion is the system that provides the baby with red blood cells, stem cells, immune cells and blood volume. Delayed cord clamping allows time for the placental transfusion, ensuring safe oxygen levels and blood volume in the baby.
Left: Cord containing baby’s blood
Right: Cord after placental transfusion
Here is a demonstration on the reason not to cut umbilical cord immediately after birth.

The usual practise in hospital is to clamp and cut the cord in less than 30 seconds after birth. Delayed cord clamping is best to be done once the cord stop pulsating or beyond 2 minutes after birth.

Do discuss this with gynae/mid-wife before birth. Once decided, put delayed cord clamping in the birth plan so that everybody (gynae/mid-wife/nurse) helping on the delivery knows when to cut the umbilical cord.

The 2008 Cochrane review found that infants whose cord clamping occurred later than 60 seconds after birth had a statistically higher risk of neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy.


Saturday, 20 October 2012

Third Trimester Tea

We come across a product call Earth Mama Third Trimester Tea that contain Red Raspberry Leaf that help to promote uterine health during pregnancy.
My wife was delighted as finally there is a tea that can be drink during pregnancy as she love drinking tea. The reason she did not drink tea is because there is a risk of miscarriage. So we found out many review from people that claim they have a much better delivery when drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea. And Red Raspberry Leaf tea is recommended to drink during third trimester pregnancy.

And we immediately head off to Bangsar Village Shopping Mall to find a shop call Bebehaus that sell Earth Mama Third Trimester Tea. Bebehaus is one of the distributor for Earth Mama product. The Earth Mama Third Trimester Tea cost RM 41 per box that contains 16 tea bags.

Once reached home, we open the box and the smell was wonderful. And my wife enjoys the tea.

For international reader, you can search for your local distributor at this link:

Here is the link to the manufacturer:

Update on 12 Nov:
The third trimester tea has finished and we place another order for Third Trimester Tea at price RM 37.50 via And my wife continue to enjoy the Third Trimester Tea.


Pregnancy Supplement

When we found out that my wife was pregnant, we immediately get Blackmores Pregnancy Formula and Folic Acid 500mcg supplement as we've been informed by a doctor to buy supplement from any pharmacy shop.

Soon we found a gynae and visited during the 2nd month of pregnancy, and we're been introduced on a supplement call Obical and Obimin Pluz. Both supplement cost RM 85.


Component Purpose
Calcium Building block for strong bones and teeth
Vitamin D Need to facilitate calcium absorption
Phosphorous and Magnesium Bone-fortifying minerals are required for formation of strong bone matrix. Magnesium may also help to counter constipation. Constipation is common in pregnancy.
Fructo-Oligosaccharide (FOS) FOS are prebiotics, “food” to beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotics), which helps to support good intestinal health. Studies have also shown that FOS helps to increase calcium absorption and bone mineralization.

Obimin Pluz

Component Purpose
DHA Building blocks of the brain and eye (retina)
EPA For optimum brain functions
Vitamin B Complex Essential for energy metabolism and foetal cell development
Vitamin C Enhances iron absorption
Vitamin D Enhances calcium absorption
Calcium Essential mineral for baby and mother’s bones and teeth
Folic Acid Essential for growth and cells division and plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. Protects against malformation of the spine (Spina bifida), skull and brain (anencephaly).
Iron Essential for producing extra red blood cells needed by both mother and baby. Prenatal prophylactic iron supplementation significantly lowers the incidence of low-birthweight and preterm low-birth-weight babies.
Copper Essential for blood cell development
Iodine Assists in the development of the thyroid gland and its hormones

Here is the Obical & Obimin manufacturer link:

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Baby Burping

Newborn babies tend to swallow air during feeding and burping helps to release the swallowed air to keep baby comfortable.

Burp baby:
- Every 2 ounces if bottle feed
- Everytime change breasts if breast feed
- Anytime when baby is fussy during feeding
- At the end of every feeding

There are 3 positions to burp baby:
- Baby sitting up in lap
- Over the shoulder
- Face down in lap

Here are the video to understand on how to burp baby to release the swallowed gas:
- Baby sitting up in lap (1:48)
- Over the shoulder (2:07)
- Face down in lap (2:50)

Here is the sound like when baby burp (Scroll to 00:51)

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Baby Hungry Cues

Baby will use a number of cues to communicate whether he/she is hungry and should feed according to hunger cues as it can help to promote breastfeeding experience with baby. 

During night time, if baby is younger than 4 weeks, then it is a good idea to wake baby at least every 4-5 hours at night to nurse if he does not wake on his own. If baby is older than 4 weeks, then baby can sleep as long as he/she wants at night as long as he/she is peeing, pooping, and gaining weight within normal parameters.

Here are the baby cues indicating that he/she is hungry:
- moving his/her eyes rapidly behind closed lids.
- putting his/her hands to his/her mouth.
- licking his/her lips and make sucking sounds.
- stretching and increased movements of upper body
- Crying is the last cue that your baby will use to show that he/she is hungry.  It is best to not to let your baby reach the point where he/she is crying out of hunger, as it is often more difficult to get your baby to latch effectively when he/she is upset.

● There may be times when your baby is too sleepy to show signs of hunger.
● It is important to wake your baby and put him/her to the breast to feed. 
● Baby should be breastfeeding every 1.5 to 3 hours in order to ensure that he/she is receiving enough breast milk that is necessary for proper growth and development.


Pregnant Women Coughing Remedy

Coughing is going to be uncomfortable for pregnant women. There are many people's opinion on cough syrup that some claim it's ok and some claim it's dangerous. It's kinda confusing as what to go for as we did encounter a general doctor prescribe a strong cough syrup which can cause sleepiness and we suspect it's not right.

Finally a gynae doctor inform that pregnant women can take Pei Pa Koa because it's made of herbal ingredient. The Pei Pa Koa cough syrup is not strong, but it's a relieve to the throat and take a slow 2-3 weeks to recover.

And another general doctor inform that pregnant can take Prospane

Warning: It's best to check with your gynae doctor or trusted general doctor for expert advice


Sunday, 14 October 2012

Understand baby cries

This is an awesome discovery by Priscilla Dunstan which can helps mum to understand baby cries. Understand baby cries can reduce frustration that happens at home especially in the middle of the night. The technique was originally call "Duncan Baby Language" and recently Oct 2012, the technique has been added a few words and called "Calm The Crying". Below are the overview of the cries based on "Calm the Crying".

- Babies may mix few words in the cries. However always look for the words that are commonly said.
- Do anticipate as early as possible when baby cries. Once baby start to scream, then it's difficult to understand baby cries.

Birth - 6 Weeks
Neh (I'm hungry) - An infant uses the sound reflex "Neh" to communicate its hunger. The sound is produced when the sucking reflex is triggered, and the tongue is pushed up on the roof of the mouth. A newborn has a strong sucking reflex, and when he/she combine this reflex with a cry and the result is "neh". When you hear this cry, nurse the baby.

Eh (I have gas) - An infant uses the sound reflex "Eh" to communicate that it needs to be burped. The sound is produced when a large bubble of trapped air is caught in the chest, and the reflex is trying to release this out of the mouth. When you hear this sound, help the baby to burp.

Owh (I'm sleepy) - An infant uses the sound reflex "Owh" to communicate that they are tired. The sound is produced much like an audible yawn. When you hear this cry, help the baby to go to sleep.

6 Weeks - 3 Months
Heh (I'm experiencing discomfort) - An infant uses the sound reflex "Heh" to communicate stress, discomfort, or perhaps that it needs a fresh diaper. The sound is produced by a response to a skin reflex, such as feeling sweat or itchiness in the bum. When you hear this cry, help the baby so that he/she is comfort.

Eairh (I have lower gas) - An infant uses the sound reflex "Eairh" to communicate they have flatulence or an upset stomach. The sound is produced when trapped air from a belch is unable to release and travels to the stomach where the muscles of the intestines tighten to force the air bubble out. Often, this sound will indicate that a bowel movement is in progress, and the infant will bend its knees, bringing the legs toward the torso. This leg movement assists in the ongoing process.

3 Months onwards till ability to speak
Note: This words are the additional words shared by Priscilla in her book call "Calm the Crying".
Gen (I have sore gum)

Lowel (I'm lonely)

Augh (I'm overwhelm) - This is an indication that baby has been overly stimulated with tons of information.

Nuh (I'm thirsty)

Feel free to watch the below video to understand better:
neh - Fast forward to 4:02
owh - Fast forward to 5:09
heh - Fast forward to 5:45
eair - Fast forward to 6:45
eh - Fast forward to 7:45

On Oct 2012, Priscilla Dunstan release a book call "Calm the Crying". The books contains information on the technique to apply the listening skills and solutions. The book is currently available in any bookstores and cost RM 57.50.

To watch the video to learn more about the baby cries, feel free to visit
There are 3 ways to learn:
- Download DVD at cost USD 30
- Buy an iPhone/iPad Apps at cost USD 5.99. Search the keyword "Baby Ears by DBL"
- Learn online at cost USD 10 per day, or USD 15 for 15 days, or USD 25 for 3 months


Relaxation in Bath Tub

For people living in high-rise building like condominium, usually shower is available but there is no bath tub. After much research, we found a small bath tub which can fit into the small bathroom and below are the details:

Bought at MagicBoo shop ( and it cost RM 850. Finally a bath tub to relax the body and mind. The cons is that we cannot straighten the leg and still it's good enough.
Warning: Pregnant women to get helps from partner when entering in and out of the bath tub.

Also, this can be baby mini-pool area.
Warning: Be very cautious as to watch over the baby when baby is playing in the mini-pool.

Pain Relief During Labor

Here are the list of pain relief method during labor:
1) Entonox

2) Pethidine

3) Epidural

4) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

5) Acupuncture
Still scratching my head on how this works

6) Hypnosis
Still scratching my head on how this works...

7) Reflexology

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Antenatal Class

Antenatal classes is usually attended by pregnant mum on 3rd trimester (and husband) as to:
- Preparing mum for labor
- Preparing mum and dad to care for newborn baby
- Share tips for mum on breastfeeding
- Prenatal exercise
- Tour on delivery room and ward (Only for class organized by hospital)

After much surveying for antenatal class at Klang Valley, finally have decided to attend at Pantai Medical Centre at Bangsar.
Contact: +603-2296 0905
Cost: RM 300 per couple
Location: Bangsar (Malaysia)
Pro: Excellent programme with speaker whom have real experience
Cons: The class is separated to few days and starts at 7 PM. So be prepare to take early break from work.
Day Time Programme
Day 1

6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Getting the right start to breastfeeding
Breast feeding & childhood survival
Day 2

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
8:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Oral care in motherhood
Pain relief in labor
Day 3

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
8:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Process of labor
Features of newborn
Day 4

10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Care of newborn
Moment with buds
Nutrition in motherhood
Day 5

7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
8:00 PM - 8:45 PM
Tour of delivery suite/postnatal ward/breastfeeding room
Prenatal exercise

Almost all hospital conduct antenatal class and it's best to check with hospital for the schedules, fees and programme. The only antenatal class in Klang Valley that was not conducted by Hospital is Jenlia2u which dedicated for pregnant women. Feel free to visit Jenlia2u website.

Here are the antenatal class from Jenlia2u
Contact: +603-7726 7002
Cost: RM 300 per couple
Location: TTDI (Malaysia)
Day Time Programme
Day 1

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Fetal Monitoring
Breast Feeding
- Getting started, Importance of early feeding
- Common Challenges encountered. Feeding checklist
Care of Newborn
- What to expect in the early days
- Early days physical and health concerns

Day 2 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Getting Prepared for Childbirth
- Signs of labour
- Husband's role
- Mental and emotional preparation
Process of Labour
Pain Management
Relaxation Exercises
Breathing Technique Stage 1 and 2

Monday, 8 October 2012

Pregnancy During Haze

Here is a guide on the risk and mitigation during pregnancy

For people living at South East Asia, click here to find out whether haze is happening at your area:

At home, we have low end model air purifier Sharp and Hitachi. In my opinion, it's not crucial to get a high end air-purifier model as the most important function is to absorb dust. However, you can opt to get a high end air purifier if you have a bigger budget.
Hitachi EP-A3000
Sharp FUA28
Also, we have one humidifier from OSIM call uMist.
OSIM uMist


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Breast Crawl

This is an interesting concept for mummy to kick start breast feeding, and also an eye-opening that infant can actually move towards the breast for milk once come out to the world. The process usually take between 30-60 minutes.

Here is a fast clip on Breast Crawl

A longer clip on Breast Crawl

Here is an explanation clip from UNICEF


Saturday, 6 October 2012

Pregnancy Sleeping Discomfort Solution

My wife is using Full-Body Nursing Pillow to minimize and reduce sleeping discomfort.
We bought a Full-Body Nursing Pillow at a Pregnancy Shop at 1 Utama Shopping Mall when my wife is in her 4-5 months pregnancy. Initially we're scratching our head as we can't find any usefulness of the Full-Body Nursing Pillow compare to a normal bolster.
Upon reaching 6-7 months, that's when my wife can see the benefits of Full-Body Nursing Pillow as the unique shape helps to support the pregnancy belly when sleeping side-way.
However when my wife is sleeping half-way and the Full-Body Nursing Pillow is shifted away, then that's when my wife can feel the strain of the pregnancy belly without the support when sleeping side-way. Nevertheless this product help to reduce the strain of pregnancy belly when sleeping.

Full-Body Nursing Pillow cost about RM 160+ and the reason we're getting this product is because it can be use for multi-purpose.

Here is the link of the manufacturer:

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Understand Baby Jaundice

A simple guide to understand Jaundice situation on new born baby.

- Usually newborn jaundice is not harmful. For most babies, jaundice usually gets better without treatment within 1 to 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, the baby's liver can process properly and usually are alright.
- Very high levels of bilirubin can cause kernicterus which may damage the brain.
- High usage consumption of ginger during confinement period for breast-feeding baby that's less than 2 weeks old may trigger Jaundice

Exposing the newborn baby to morning sun light from 7 AM - 10 AM for 10 min a day is good in minimizing Jaundice.
