Sunday, 23 December 2012

Getting Baby Milk Warmer

There are two types of milk for baby:
- Breast Milk
- Formula Milk (e.g. Cow Milk/Soya Milk)

For formula milk, a warmer is not required because we will use warm/hot water to dissolve the formula milk and subsequently feed baby.

However we need to heat up breast milk because we usually store breast milk in the fridge or freezer. We have been informed by lactation consultant that breast milk lasting duration are:
Freezer - 3 months
Fridge - 3 days
Room Temperature - 4 hours

We started off in using the hot water to warm up the baby bottle but it's a too much hassle because:
- The breast milk sometimes end up cold as it's not heat up properly
- The breast milk sometimes end up too hot
- At times, we run out of hot water and have to wait for a while for the hot water

Finally one day went to Jaya Jusco and check out the variety of milk warmer devices, and I have finally decided to get Little Bean brand because:
- Cheaper than other brand as Little Bean Home & Car Bottle Warmer cost RM 90
- Have features which can warm up milk using home electricity or car battery charger
- Have a feature to turn off automatically once the water inside the warmer has reached the desired temperature
- Have a feature to turn on automatically once the water gets cold
- Have a "cap" to prevent water to evaporate out quickly


  1. However we need to heat up breast milk because we usually store breast milk in the fridge or freezer. We have been informed by lactation consultant that breast milk lasting duration are: Baby Milk Formula

  2. Thank you for providing clear information on this. you can also refer Wire Harness Manufacturers

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